Ingrid Pohl of BuroHappold for Summer Academy

On Tuesday, 12th May 2009 the international urban and landscape architectural competition for the Columbia Quartier along the boundary of the vacant Airport of Tempelhof was decided.
After a first round with 80 proposals, in December 2008 only 12 projects were chosen for the second phase of the competition. Three of them received the final prize as follows:

# Graft Architekten / Büro Kiefer Landschaftsarchitektur, (Berlin)
# Urban essences Architektur / Lützow 7 Landschaftsarchitektur, (Berlin)
# chora architecture (London)/ gross.max Landschaftsarchitektur (Edinburg)

The Team of chora architecture/gross.max combining architects and landscape architects developed an energetic, sustainable and infrastructural concept, together with Buro Happold from Berlin.

This team conceived Tempelhof as collective public space and alternative Energy plant, the Air Bridge to the Future:

“The Airport of Tempelhof has the function of a bridge, like the future of our cities can reflect. Cities, which consist not only of energetically passive structures, but also of active energy producers networked with intelligent systems.

A ring surrounding the central park should give a new form to the landscape, a place, where Technology and Nature melt themselves, where Energy should be produced out of different technologies and where a field for learning, experimenting and researching may be developed.

Along this ring, different quarters regarding an IBA (International Building Exhibition) should be raised. The nucleus of our proposal is the development of a Management instrument allowing diverse companies and dwellers coexist through a sustainable financial process. This instrument may also achieve the possibility of coordinating resources to meet decisions aiming an ambitious objective: Tempelhof as an Energy producer, taking care of the surrounding neighbourhoods, bringing people together and radically reducing carbon emissions, as the Government requires.”

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